What I Learned from Living with My Japanese Boyfriend for a Month
Hey there. As y'all know, Kazzy got an internship with the Japanese branch of an American company, and he's been in Tokyo for the past couple of months. This was a good opportunity for me to meet his parents, and I had always wanted to return to Japan, so he made that wish come true for his first month there. Not only did he give me a significant amount of spending money for the trip, but as it turns out, I was able to stay in his apartment for no additional charge (also, shoutout to Auntie for letting me use her airline miles! All I had to pay was $50 in taxes!) Yesterday, I read a comment on Find Your Love in Japan's recent video What It's Like Dating Japanese Men for Foreign Women. HEY THERE. The sentence "[When] you live together with someone you start understanding his bad sides" made me wonder what I'd learned in my time together with Kaz. I'd had a great time with him during that month, but left feeling like I hadn't had enoug...