Find Your Love in Japan, Kaz's Parents, and Our YouTube Channel

Nobita featured me in another of his Find Your Love in Japan videos, this time on whether Asian parents disapproved of their child's interracial relationship.

Thank you again, Nobita!

As I mentioned in the video, Kazzy's parents seem pretty chill about our relationship. I feel really fortunate on that front. I had heard of many heterosexual couples where the (Asian) guy tries to hide the fact that he's dating someone outside of his culture, especially if she is black. I was fully prepared for him to conceal our relationship from his parents. However, he made no special effort to hide me over what he would have done for any other girl. He just doesn't talk about it with his parents, which I understand, because neither do I.

Kaz's mom found out when Kaz shared pictures of us from Thanksgiving and getting a Christmas tree on Facebook.

[ S   U   S   P   I   C   I   O   U   S ]

She liked the photos and sent him a, "So I see you got a girlfriend, hm? Congratulations!" She later told him for us to take good care of one another.

My knowledge on the conversation with Kaz's dad is fuzzier. I know Kaz ended up telling him directly, and that his dad wasn't against it, but he warned Kaz to be cognizant of the difficulties of an inter-cultural relationship.

There are other reasons his parents were more likely to accept our relationship that I don't feel comfortable sharing right now, but will likely be shared someday.

His parents know I exist. His parents know I'm American. His parents know I'm black. However, I am still nervous about our meeting next month!

~ * ~

As for our YouTube channel, while Kaz is cool with the blog, he isn't the biggest fan of vlogging. He encouraged me to upload the first one to YouTube, and says I can still make more, but he won't say much. He's in Spain right now anyway, so good for him.

I am working on a second video, focusing on what I'm packing for my trip to Japan, and our living arrangements. However, I used screen capture software for the living arrangements part, and it's lagging like crazy, so I bought a new SSD in hopes that my low read/write speed was the culprit and an SSD would help.

I tried to clone everything to my new drive, but even software that claimed to be able to clone from a larger drive to a smaller one didn't work. So I went for a clean install of Windows—and the drive is recognized as having no space.

I have one more thing I'll try before sending the drive in for a replacement. At the same time, I've been dealing with trouble relating to the cellphone backup I so desperately want back being corrupted. I'm good with electronics, but this past week has basically been one technological nightmare.

Wish me luck, please.



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